Whilst in Holland...

  • Two guests came to stay from New Zealand (not that I expected everyone to come over).
  • 5831 photos taken which in a 2 hour sideshow would mean less that one a second.
  • Two others deserted New Zealand indefinitely. My brother Rob and Stanley a good friend and Salsa instructor.
  • Visited seven other counties (Belgium, Germany, Turkey, UK, Czech Republic, Guernsey and Slovenia).
  • 8 babies born. Congratulations to the parents Matt & Belinda, Rob Hogan & Barbara, Norman & Victoria, Simon & Sandra, Simon & Cara, Kelly & Fiona, Sean & Tracy, Craig & Heleen and another 3 on the way that I know of.
  • 5 weddings of which I was able to attend a couple in Holland. Congratulations Corine & Hubert, Ginny & Nick, Vicki & Rodney, Geoff & Leigh, Brent & Mary and couple more scheduled.
  • 3 people have passed away including my May Sampson my New Zealand grandmother.


...and for the blog...

  • I've posted 39 blog entries but apparently they read like encyclopedia articles but I'm not exactly a writer :-)
  • 409 regular visitors to my blog and on average read it 3 times.
  • The most popular articles were Stone Marten (Martes foina), Koningindag (Queen's Day) and Istanbul and Troy, Turkey 2007.
  • Funniest search terms people used to find my blog "renate likes to" and "prague blog stag".
  • Wow, people came to my blog from 45 different countries including Maldives, Kuwait and Malaysia but the Dutch topped out the Kiwis in terms of readership with the US and UK coming in after that. The Dutch also spent longer reading but maybe that may be due to understanding the slang.
